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CID Report (Death): 0154-04-CID519-81185-5H9A; Ahmed Menkhi Al-Zarjawi,Theater Internment Facility (TIF) Control, Camp Bucca, Umm Qasr, Iraq, October 19. 2004

Feb. 24, 2005 | CID | ACLU-RDI 5483
A CID Investigation into the death of an Iraqi male named Ahmed Menkhi Al-Zarjawi. Mr. Menkhi Al-Zarjawi died at Camp Bucca Detention Facility in Iraq on October 19. 2004. Mr. Menkhi Al-Jarjawi was in custody for approximately twenty (20) days when he complained of being sick. He continued to be sick for two additional weeks before collapsing and dying. This file contains Sworn Statements & interviews with Camp personnel who had custodial and medical contact of Mr. Menkhi Al-Zarjawi, as well as photos and medical records. On Oct. 18th, Mr. Menkhi Al-Jarjawi complained of high fever, headaches, nose bleeds and blacking-out. It is reported that on Oct. 19th, Mr. Menkhi Al-Jarjaw was seen by medics after the detainee headcount. He continued to be weak and shiver. Witness' state the Mr. Menkhi Al-Jarjaw took two breaths and "Passed away". The Cause of Death and Manner of Death was left "Pending Additional Investigation", however no trauma was found, and here were findings of upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage with diffuse gastritis noted at autopsy. Manner of Death is being stated as "Natural".